Long Time No Post

It has been a long time since I have had the time or energy to sit down and type stuff that isn’t work related but that doesn’t mean I have stopped working to achieve my goals.

I have been continuing my workout plan and coming to the end of the 6th week which also happens to be the end of the first half of the plan. I can see and feel the changes and if you follow me on Instagram then you can see them as well. I am very happy with my progress especially when I look back and see how my weight numbers are going up every week.

It is a slow road, there is no shortcut for hard work but if you enjoy what the work that goes into it than there is no such thing as hard work. There are some exercises that I hate doing (bench press, squats) but all that means is that I need to give myself an extra push to do it and shatter my previous personal records.

The Youtube page is up and running and has a few videos and reviews already posted. You can visit at Youtube until I get the chance to purchase a domain name for it. I am enjoying making the videos and hopefully they actually help someone when it comes to purchasing supplements and other random stuff.

I will keep coming back to post more, it just may be few and far between but I am loving the video aspect and have been putting a lot of my free time into filming and editing the videos and putting them online. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and “like” the videos. Your support means the world to me.

All Moved In, Time to Unpack!

movingMy wife and I finished moving into our new house this weekend and did that ever suck. There are few things that I hate more than moving. It just always seems like I have gained a never ending supply of stuff that I didn’t know I had.

On Saturday we finished with the landlord, got the keys and were finally able to bring some boxes and stuff over. We made 3 trips with my SUV and 2 trips with her sedan and finally finished with everything at around midnight before going back to our apartment for the final night in the old digs.

On Sunday I had my brother from another mother Ed come over and help me move. The weather was supposed to be good all week but I guess it wasn’t meant to be on Sunday as it rained all day. We got the Uhaul truck and made our way to the small storage unit that we had. Just so happens that the truck is too big to fit down the aisles of the storage place. This meant that we now had to walk all the stuff in storage 30 yards in each direction in the rain. This sucked except for the 15 seconds where Ed rolled a tire down hill from the storage unit directly to my hands at the Uhaul truck. Was pretty epic (do people still use that word?).

Next we brought the truck to my apartment to load up the furniture and anything else that would fit into it before bring it to the house. 20 trips up and down in the elevator and 1 instance of Ed smacking his knee on the trailer hitch of the truck later and we were ready to bring the truck to the house.

At this point we were joined by our friends Allison and Nathanial for pizza and to finish moving. Yeah I know, pizza, it was a cheat day and what better to have on a cheat day than 5 slices of pizza! At this point we unloaded the furniture and all the stuff that was in the truck. Luckily the house has a back door which allowed for better access without stairs, especially for the couches.

After the truck was unloaded Ed headed out (his turn to move and mine to help in a few weeks) and the rest of us we to return the Uhaul and use our cars to bring over the rest of the stuff. Took a few hours but by 630pm we were all done. Thank you to everyone who helped us!

From here we did some unpacking and planning on where things will be going. So much more stuff to do and then I finally et to make my home gym! For today, it is going to be a few exercises with the curl bar I have and maybe I will be able to find the adjustable dumbbell bars that are hidden. The start of something great, a workout to do on non workout days! Woot!

Stay tuned for more updates!